National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority has been established as per Section 10 of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074 BS. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) has been established as soon as the appointment of the executive chief took place on 15 December 2019 (2076-08-29 B.S. The National Council for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is chaired by the Rt. Hon'ble Prime Minister and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Executive Committee is chaired by the Hon'ble Home Minister. The Act has made provision for the executive head of this authority to be the member-secretary of the council and committee. This authority has the right to act as the central resource body for disaster risk reduction and management. Currently, its office is located at Singhadurbar, Kathmandu. With the establishment of NDRRMA, the work related to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management has been expedited. According to the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074 BS, there is an arrangement for the National Council for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management to be chaired by the Prime Minister. It formulates national disaster management policies and plans. The arrangement has been made for the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority to have an executive committee under the chairmanship of the Home Minister under the council and under that committee.
Similarly, according to the Act, at the province level, there will be a state disaster management committee under the chairmanship of the chief minister, which will formulate policies and plans related to disaster management in the state subject to the national policy and plan approved by the council. According to the same act, there will be a district disaster management committee with the chief district officer as the co-ordinator in 77 districts. Similarly, according to the act, there is a provision of local disaster management committee under the chairmanship of the head of the local municipality in all 753 municipalities. .). The main responsibility of NDRRMA is to operate and manage activities related to disaster management in an effective manner.